Sunday, April 23, 2006

Dreamscape 04/23/06

I walked up from the street to a large building with small windows. The surroundings were grey and drab. Beaten down. War had apparently happened here recently, citing the artillery shells and whatnot sitting in the middle of the wall. I walked up a staircase to what was left to the insides of what appeared to be some sort of prison. I looked at myself in a mirror, looked around. The surroundings in the mirror were not as hostile looking as they were when you actually looked at them.

As I proceeded down the hallway, I came to a sort of indoor camp. It was well sheltered. It looked kind of like a hobo area. The second I showed my face, there were guns in it. I didn't blink (or at least I don't remember blinking), as they all began to point their weapons at me. I stepped down the stairs towards the two leaders, which I felt as though I recognized. They started screaming at me, asking why I was there. I was a disgrace to them. A traitor. I deserved to die for my crimes.

"You have no right to be here." The bigger one said.

"Leave or we will kill you." Said the other, who appeared slightly younger.

"I am here for other reasons." I said. "This war, has taken a life of its own. I cannot stop it. If I try to stop it, I will surely be killed by those in my own cabinet, and the war would continue to rage while they line their own pockets."

"You lie!" The bigger one said.

"Look at me, young one. I have not even had a chance to bathe in at least two days. Would the man that leads the war from the safety of his own palace allow himself to degenerate in such a way?" I returned.

The younger one had a tear burst from his eye and he raised the gun back up to my head. "YOU MUST DIE!" He screamed.

"Put your gun down. I have come here for reasons of peace." I said softly.

The bigger one also had a tear coming down his left cheek, "then what will you do with us?"

"I want you to help me end this war between us. It is tearing us appart even more than that of a simply feudal family. Others from outside our country line their pockets from greed, and all we do is suffer. Join me, as my two newest advisors, and bodyguards. I want to send a message to the rest of them, and the rest of the world. We are done being pawns." I knelt as I asked again, "Join me, and lets end this, together."

They could have executed me right there, and had their vengeance for my crimes. It was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. I knew they were both men of honor, as was I. The problem wasn't my honor, or theirs. The problem was everyone elses. They both lowered their weapons, and so did the other hundred or so with various types of weapons that were trained on me, from pistols to rpg's.

"We will accept your offer. We will say goodbye to our families, and be with you soon. Please, wait in the next hallway, just be careful. It's not our territory."

I don't know why I went ahead and left. As soon as I walked into the next hallway, the entire surroundings changed. It was most definitely a prison of some kind. A very, very high security one. The hallways made a very loud echoing every time I took a step. I was pacing for a few minutes when a door opened and a man dressed in a nurse outfit (a skirt, at that!) walks out of a room, and winks at me.

"Are you one of the two that's coming to come see me?" He asked.

"No, I'm waiting for a couple of people myself." I answered politely.

"Oh, hmm. Such a pity, you're a hot one." He responded, winking again. And he walked into a room that had the red cross on it.

As I continued pacing, two guys, roughly my age (albeit a little younger) came up the stairs and were talking about a "hot babe in a nurses outfit that would do them both." I felt the need to discourage this, and proceeded in their direction. If not, they were both about to get embarassed, or worse.

I only caught one, and I said in a whisper to him "it's not a girl, it's a dude." He turned around and looked at me with a questioning look, in which I returned a very serious look with a nod, and a gesture to get the fuck out before it was too late. The other guy kept walking, and it looked like he had found the door.

I bolted over to him when the dude in the nurse outfit burst out of the door. Impressive makeup, didn't look so much like a guy anymore, but he would only appear female to those that didn't see him a few minutes ago. The 'nurse' was swinging him around as though they were dancing, and whenever he passed I would whisper "That" "is" "a" "dude". The look of shock entered his face as he let go of the nurse, and flew through an open window, screaming.

I walked over to the edge. The nurse asked where he had gone.

"Well, he must have been batman, not buttman." I said, and smiled. The nurse rolled his eyes and darted off in a tissy.

I sat down for a few minutes. I had a cigarillo (not quit a cigarette, not quite a cigar) while I waited. I supposed that they were saying what could possibly be their last goodbyes to their families, if things went down the crapper. I heard a loud smacking noise, like someone had just been slapped across the face, and a spitting sound, then a much heavyier dull thud and the sound of a woman squealing for air.

I got up to investigate. The surroundings became dangerously dark, with hints of dark green, and dark red. My stomach wrenched, and my heart began to beat faster. I looked through the window and I saw a blonde with curly locks. She had obviously just had the hell kicked out of her, and she was getting taken off of a wall as the other started to move a table closer, stepping on a pair of glasses in the process. My eyes widened as I realized what was about to happen, and then I recognized who it was.

I checked the door, and realized that it was bolt-locked from the inside in several places. I was not strong enough to break it down. So I knocked, and grabbed a small hook that wrapped around my knuckles similar to brass knucks. When the door opened, my fist met straight with his face. He stumbled and I kicked him back to the ground as I charged for the other one as he was just about to violate that girl. He jumped back, surprised, scrambling to both pick up his pants, and get his gun off of his belt. I jumped onto the opposite end of the table and leapt from midway to keep from stepping on her.

He was fast. He put a bullet through my left arm, thankfully. I put the hook right into his left eye, knocked him to the ground, and knocked the gun out of his hand. I punched him in the face again, and again, and again. Took the gun and blew his cock off, pointed it to the other guy, and the gun went "click" "click".

I pulled her off of the table and placed her in a corner, and put my coat over her. She was frigid, teeth chattering. Seemed to be mostly unhurt, aside from maybe a couple of cracked ribs. Her eyes bulged as a warning to look behind me. I turned just in time to get hit in the head with a chair. My vision went completely black, and my ears were screaming. Someone grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and threw me against the wall. I couldn't see, and I couldn't hear, but they were right there. I used the hook on my right hand that they hadn't been smart enough to remove yet. I found neck. I grappled with my left, kicked with my right feet. I found nuts, and I kicked again, and again. Then the knee. When I found the table and laid him across it with what I *think* was a left hook (the fist only kind), I tore open his chest cavity and started gutting him while he was still breathing.

The squealing noise as he was trying to stop me, but was too busy trying to live as his blood flooded the table, was something you don't forget. My vision came back to me, and I jolted back in horror as to what I had done to the man. His eyes were wide. I looked around for her, but she was waiting outside in the hallway for me. I walked out, and suddenly I was cleansed. I put away the hook, and we left. I turned one last time to look at the room. It was caked in blood, and guts. She smiled, didn't say anything, and we left.

When we got down to the street, hand in hand, a car was waiting for us. The two men from earlier were inside, waiting. We left.

[Was about to hit what I think was another 'plot device' when I woke up.]

I didn't do my detail any justice. The fight is the part I remember more than anything else. It was a fight of passion, I suppose.


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